Mr Menon cites reinsurance as a growth area, and debt capital markets as another area we have our sights on. 孟文能表示,再保险业务是一个增长领域,而债务资本市场是我们瞄准的另一个领域。
Debt capital markets remain very friendly, in particular for large companies with high credit ratings, said Mark Haefele, global chief investment officer at UBS. 债务资本市场仍然很友好,尤其是对信用评级高的大公司,瑞银全球首席投资官马克•海菲尔(MarkHaefele)表示。
In wholesale banking, respondents said the emergence of debt capital markets was the biggest opportunity, followed by structured products and interest rate and currency swaps – areas where local expertise is relatively small. 公司银行业务方面,受访外资银行表示,债务资本市场的兴起是最大机遇,其次是结构性产品及利率汇率互换产品领域&中资银行在这些领域的专长相对不足。
The data includes fees earned from merger and acquisitions, equity and debt capital markets and loans in Asia-Pacific, excluding Japan. 这些数字包括来自亚太地区(除日本以外)的并购、证券与债券资本市场及贷款业务的费用。
With bank lending constrained by tougher prudential regulation, equity and debt capital markets become even more important sources of investment capital for businesses. 由于银行贷款受到更严格审慎监管的限制,股票和债券资本市场变成企业投资资本的更重要来源。
It was an insufficient supply of top-notch equity within the banks, and a surfeit of lower-quality debt capital that was unable to absorb losses effectively, that allowed the financial crisis to wreak such havoc on the whole system. 银行一级资本供应不足、无法有效吸收亏损的较低质量债务资本过多,才让此次金融危机对整个体系造成严重破坏。
Debt issuance is the mainstay of hkmc's funding sources, since one of the objectives of the HKMC is to promote the development of the local Hong Kong dollar debt capital market. 由于按揭证券公司的目标是促进本地港元债券市场的发展,因此,公司以发行债券为主要的集资渠道。
Herman van den Wall Bake, head of debt capital markets syndicate for Asia at Deutsche Bank, thinks a broader range of issuers means 2012 will be another strong year for the market. 德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)亚洲债券资本市场部门负责人赫尔曼范登沃尔贝克(HermanvandenWallBake)认为,点心债券发行企业范围的扩大意味着,2012年将是该市场再度走强的一年。
If these reforms continue, this could double the capitalisation of China's debt capital markets over the next decade, Goldman Sachs predicts. 高盛预计,如果继续实施这些改革措施,未来10年内中国债务资本市场的市值可能增加一倍。
Contemporary enterprise capitals cover the equity capital and the debt capital. 现代企业的资本来源有权益资本和债务资本。
Among them, the investment cost includes the debt capital cost and equity capital, NOPAT bases on the financial report of company after being adjusted and computed. 其中,投入资本成本包括债务资本成本和权益资本成本,税后净营业利润则以企业财务报表为基础,通过对财务报表的数据进行调整和计算得出。
The data include fees earned from M& A, equity and debt capital markets and loans in Asia-Pacific excluding Japan. Fees earned from derivatives and trading are not included. 亚太数据涵盖除日本以外的亚太地区,包含并购、股权和债务资本市场以及贷款等业务的手续费,衍生产品和交易业务的手续费不计算在内。
As one debt capital markets banker says: "if the alternative is losing your job, you can reinvent yourself pretty quickly." 正如一位债务资本市场银行家所言:“如果另一种出路是丢掉你的工作,那么你就能非常迅速地改头换面。”
Over the long term, pension funds 'appetite for fixed income should play to its strengths in debt capital markets, while a new chief executive might take an axe to costs in some parts of the division. 从长期来看,养老基金对固定收益产品的兴趣,应该对在债务资本市场具有优势的巴克莱有利,而新上任的首席执行官可能大刀阔斧地削减一些投行部门的成本。
That is good news for Asia as a whole given its dependence on credit to fuel economic growth, especially since debt capital markets remain under-developed throughout the region. 这对整个亚洲而言是个好消息,因为亚洲在刺激经济增长方面仍依赖于信贷市场,尤其要指出的是,亚洲各地的债券市场还处于欠发达状态。
As sovereign yields in Asia have declined, investors have started to take on more credit risk, says Stephen Williams, head of debt capital markets in Asia Pacific at HSBC. 汇丰银行(HSBC)亚太债券市场部主管史蒂芬威廉姆斯(StephenWilliams)表示:随着亚洲国家主权债收益率趋于下降,投资者开始选择信用风险更高的投资标的。
China should introduce "junk" bonds to provide smaller private companies with new funding channels as the country develops its debt capital market, a senior Chinese financial official has suggested. 中国金融界一名高级官员表示,随着中国债务资本市场的发展,中国应引入“垃圾”债券,为中小型民营企业提供新的融资渠道。
It realised that unconventional policy tools were necessary to keep equity and debt capital flowing, introducing unique lending and asset purchase programmes. 它意识到,有必要动用非常规的政策工具保持股票和债券资本流动,引入独特的贷款和资产购买项目。
Borrowers have to change their attitude to raising debt capital. 一位投资者说:借款人不得不改变自己对于筹集债务资本的态度。
We get hired by companies because we know where the Asian money is, said a global head of debt capital markets at an Asian bank with operations in Europe. 一家在欧洲经营的亚洲银行的债券资本市场全球主管表示:企业聘用我们,因为我们知道亚洲哪里有钱。
Since the crisis, companies have been keen to keep as many lending relationship banks happy, so we have seen a rise in the number of bookrunners appointed, said Morven Jones, head of public sector and corporate debt capital markets for Europe at Nomura. 瑞穗欧洲公共部门与企业债资本市场主管莫文琼斯(MorvenJones)表示:自金融危机爆发以来,企业一直急于取悦尽可能多的贷款银行,因此我们看到,担任账簿管理人的银行数量有所增多。
But there is a second reason to watch China's concept of financial law: the broader development of its domestic debt capital markets, involving deals between Chinese players. 但之所以应当审视中国金融法律的概念,还存在第二个理由:中国国内债务资本市场的发展更为广泛,它涉及的是中国国内交易对手之间进行的交易。
With interest rates low, debt capital was cheap and equity investors were desperate for the higher returns available in the faster growth countries of Asia. 当时由于利率较低,债务成本低廉,而股票投资者也渴望从高增长的亚洲国家获取较高的投资回报。
The main drag on issuance came from Europe, where banks raised$ 639bn in debt capital markets, the lowest in 10 years. 拖累银行债券发行的主要因素来自欧洲,欧洲各银行在债券资本市场筹资6390亿美元,为10年最低。
Hesitant insurance companies and bond funds, the traditional buyers of bank debt capital, argue their regulators will not approve their holding such risky instruments. 作为银行债务资本传统买家的保险公司与债券基金目前还有些犹豫不决,声称它们的监管机构不会批准它们持有此类高风险工具。
Financing structure is the proportion of equity capital and debt capital in the western theory of economics. ?1.在西方理论中,融资结构主要指权益性资本和债务性资本间的比例。
The capital structure of the narrow sense means the ratio of long-term debt capital and long-term equity capital. 狭义的资本结构则是指公司长期债务资本和长期权益资本的构成比例。